Join the Fight

Twenty million vulnerable Americans are stuck in extreme poverty. At Solutions for Change, we use a results-driven, accountability-based approach to create Overcomers and restore community. We use our solutions every day to fight The Churn—an insidious cycle of hardship, temporary fixes, and dependency that traps so many families in dark struggles. 

For 23 years now, Solutions for Change has jumped in to lift our neighbors out of homelessness and poverty. Now, we are shining a new light on our fight against The Churn to lessen its control over society and raise more people into happy, independent lives. We are recommitting to building permanent solutions that create permanent change.

We promise to forge a revolutionary path forward to restore families and communities out of poverty.

Welcome to a brighter, bolder future. Join the fight.

Who is Solutions for Change?

Solutions for Change is a community for those seeking to build sustainable, independent lives full of community, love, family, and stability. Through employment training, financial literacy education, mental health services, empowerment coaching, and more, we provide our students with everything they need to solve the root causes of their struggles and start over.

We believe in holistic solutions that allow our students to permanently escape poverty and empower our community to support and sustain their transformation. And each time we help someone overcome The Churn, we diminish The Churn’s power over us.

Join the fight—your support helps create Overcomers and restore community.

Explore the Solutions for Change programs:

The Power of the Overcomer

The Solutions for Change Overcomers are the ones who graduate from Solutions Academy, escape The Churn, and restore happy, independent lives.


Overcomers fight The Churn head-on. We fight alongside them, supporting their journey with resources, education, and community. And we keep fighting, so more and more people can Overcome.

  • Christa Medeiros
    Christa Medeiros

    "I’m like the Solutions mascot. And how could I not be? Everything I am is because of Solutions. They’re the reason I broke out of my old life and took control. They’re the reason I have a voice."

  • Johnny & Monica Rodriguez
    Johnny & Monica Rodriguez

    “With my perspective as someone at the end of the program, I can show others that they can overcome really hard things and find a life they never even knew was possible on the other side. And that solidarity is a really beautiful thing about Solutions.”

  • Rosalie Ortega
    Rosalie Ortega

    “I get to see my dreams come true and I can live my ‘someday’ because Solutions was willing to get down to the toughest parts of my life with me to solve them.”

Become a Solutions for Change Advocate

In our fight, every voice matters. So speak up, spread the word, share on social, volunteer your time, tell anyone and everyone about our fight to overcome The Churn. Together, we will defeat The Churn and lift our neighbors in need into prosperity. Join the fight.

Media Inquiries

Want to learn more about how Solutions for Change is fighting back against poverty? Looking to schedule an interview?