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April Collection Champion

Thursday, April 1, 2021Friday, April 30, 2021
Remote Opportunity

Collection Champion (All ages)
Are you looking for ways to maintain social distancing, but still help those in need? Sign up to serve as a Collection Champion. Our Collection Champions will set up a collection box in their neighborhood or housing complex to collect essential items including nonperishable food for the 65 families at Solutions for Change. This role is essential to help us provide food and cleaning supplies for our vulnerable families on campus. 

Get started:
1. Sign Up for a Collection Champion Month in the Volunteer Calendar.
2. Receive the information packet and items list from the Volunteer Team via email.
3. Set up your collection in your neighborhood or office.
4. Drop off your collection by the end of the month to the main campus at 722 W. California Ave, request a pick up (subject to availability) or request an extension to continue collecting items.